

Vilnius – more than 550,000 people live in the capital of Lithuania. The city is about 40 km from the border to Belarus and is one of Europe’s oldest university cities. One of the largest and most innovative higher education institutions is the Technical Gediminas University (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas − VGTU). The more than 11,000 students have access to ten faculties, various research institutes and partnerships with higher education institutions around the world. The University has been able to use a new science and administration centre since 2017 and makes it possible for the students to prepare for their careers with creativity and social engagement. The impressive structure consists of three modern main buildings and a large gate for the entrance area, which also symbolises the openness of the VGTU. A total of 3,650 m² of the facade were clad with RHEINZINK titanium zinc in the RHEINZINK-prePATINA blue grey quality. You can find more details in the project report that can be downloaded on the left.

Vilnius, Litauen

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Wie ein eleganter Faltenwurf

Konsequent senkrechte Linien in ebenso konsequent ungleichmäßigen Abständen prägen die RHEINZINK-Bekleidung eines Wohnhauses, das eine traditionelle Bauform überraschend anders

Residential building, Toronto

Imaginatively twisted roofscape It was the zinc roofs of Europe that inspired the builder & owner of a property development company Farhad Kazmian in the design for his home. More specifically, the artisanal technique as well as the durability, freedom from maintenance and resistance; particularly positive qualities that make zinc so popular as roof and façade elements, then as now.     The contemporary, original architecture with three levels on an area of around 500 m2 gave the imaginative single-family house the name "A-House". The dynamic building in Toronto, Canada, is designed as a complete wooden structure. The refined details and the high technical quality of the roof in the "shed house pattern" is largely due to the choice of roofing in RHEINZINK titanium zinc. As far as the colour was concerned, the decision was made in favour of RHEINZINK-prePATINA slate-grey, which, in a pre-weathering process, ensures the desired appearance right from the start. The titanium zinc panels constantly develop in depth and complexity, thus ensuring a special character. The special highlight is the complex geometry: the double convex roof becomes concave in parts by 90 degrees and at the same time changes the inclination from 28:12/approx. 67° to 5:12/22.5°. This gives the curved roof its unusually twisted appearance. 

Toronto, ON, Kanada

Elegante Dachentwässerung für idyllisches Eigenheim

Nanette Bang hat einen Anbau an ihrem Eigenheim in Kopenhagen in Angriff genommen, der sich gut an das originale Erscheinungsbild anpassen sollte.

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Museum of Transport in Glasgow

Objekt des Monats: Fantasievoll verdrehte Dachlandschaft

Die Zinkdächer Europas waren es, die den Bauherren & Inhaber der Bauträgerfirma Farhad Kazmian bei dem Entwurf für sein Wohnhaus inspirierten. Genauer gesagt die handwerklich kunstvolle

RHEINZINK-Interactive - die digitale Schulungswelt

… unsere Schulungsleiter in nur ca. 30 Minuten die praktische Ausführung eines klempnertypischen Details. Schaltet euch einfach mit dem Handy, Laptop oder Tablet dazu und stellt den Schulungsleitern…

RHEINZINK informiert den Handwerker |

… Informationen zu unseren Produkten, Materialhinweisen, passendem Zubehör und technischen Details. RHEINZINK im Handwerker-Check Die Vielfalt der Serviceleistungen ist schon…

RHEINZINK für Bauherren & Sanierer |

… besonders umweltfreundlich und zu 100% recycelbar. Von Fassadenbekleidungen über architektonische Details bis hin zu Komplettlösungen – Ihre Möglichkeiten mit RHEINZINK-Produkten sind vielfältig,…

Bauherren-Paar vor Einfamilienhaus mit Dachentwässerung aus RHEINZINK